恩万克沃·卡努 出生:1976年8月1日 身高/体重:1.97米/80公斤 位置:前锋/前卫 效力球会:意大利国际米兰 尼日利亚有口皆碑的天才少年,成名于有“球星摇篮”之称的阿贾克斯队。卡努和罗纳尔多同为21岁,同样拥有出众的脚法和卓越的意识。卡努是那种任何教练都希望拥有的全能型球员。虽然他司职前锋,但在场上可随时根据形势变化和教练战术安排调整位置。更难能可贵的是,卡努绝不独食,他更乐于为队友制造射门机会。因此年仅19岁的卡努就成为阿贾克斯队力夺1995年欧洲冠军杯和丰田杯的重
Nwannvao Kanu Born: August 1, 1976 Height / Weight: 1.97 m / 80 kg Position: Striker / avant-garde Club: Italy Inter Milan, Nigeria The legendary young talent, fame in the “Cradle of Stars” Known as the Ajax team. Canu and Ronaldo, both 21, also have superior footwork and superior awareness. Kanu is the all-powerful player any coach wants. Although his position as a forward, but the field can be based on changes in the situation and coaching tactical arrangements to adjust position. Even more commendable is that Kanu never alone, he is more willing to create shots for teammates. So only 19-year-old Kanu Ajax team won the 1995 European Champions Cup and Toyota Cup weight