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复方醋酸钠注射液的组成为每1000ml中含醋酸钠6.12g、氯化钠5.85g、氯化钾0.30g、氯化钙0.33g。对该药中醋酸钠含量的测定用离子交换法和非水滴定法虽较为合理,但操作麻烦,而中和法滴定终点又不明显。鉴于此,本文采用电位滴定Gran作图法(反对数作图法)测定其含量,结果较满意,现介绍如下: 仪器与试药 PHS-2型酸度计:指示电极(231型玻璃电极),参比电极(232型甘汞电极);醋酸钠(供注射用,西安制药厂一分厂生产,批号870629.用离子交换法测定实际含量);0.1mol/L HCl标准液(按《中华人民共和国药典》1985年版二部附录131页方法准确标 The compound sodium acetate injection consists of 6.12 g of sodium acetate, 5.85 g of sodium chloride, 0.30 g of potassium chloride and 0.33 g of calcium chloride per 1000 ml. Determination of the sodium acetate content of the drug ion exchange and non-aqueous titration method is more reasonable, but the operation is cumbersome, but the end of the titration and neutralization method is not obvious. In view of this, this article uses the potential titration Gran mapping (anti-logarithmic mapping method) to determine the content, the results are satisfactory, are presented below: Instrument and reagent PHS-2-type pH meter: Indicator electrode (231 glass electrode) Reference electrode (232 calomel electrode); sodium acetate (for injection, a pharmaceutical factory in Xi’an production, batch number 870629. Determination of the actual content by ion exchange); 0.1mol / L HCl standard solution (according to the "Chinese people Republic of China Pharmacopoeia 1985 edition two Appendix 131 page method accurate standard