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课堂活动教学比传统的“传授→接受”式化学教学的教学效果要好,它对当前的化学教学改革及其育人功能的发挥具有现实意义,在实际教学中有较强的可行性。不过,在活动教学实施过程中还发现一些有待解决的问题,如活动中如何提高个别依赖性较强学生的积极性,不同层次的学生对活动教学的接受存在差异,活动教学与学生升学考试等,笔者希望与广大同行进行更深一步的探讨研究。 The teaching of classroom activities is better than the traditional teaching of “teaching → accepting” chemistry teaching. It has practical significance for the current teaching reform of chemistry and its function of educating people, and has strong feasibility in practical teaching. However, there are still some problems to be solved during the implementation of teaching activities, such as how to improve the enthusiasm of individual students with higher dependence, how to accept students ’teaching activities at different levels, how to teach activities and students’ entrance exams, The author hopes to conduct further research with the majority of peers.
[摘 要] 果树蔬菜是百姓餐桌上的必备食物,其是否能够安全生产,无疑是百姓关注的重点。现阶段,我国的果树蔬菜生产中还存在一些问题,这会影响到人民群众的身体健康,而绿色植保是最大限度保证农产品安全生产的有效方法。基于此,文章对如何实施绿色植保,保障果树蔬菜安全生产进行了较为细致的分析,希望能够为农作物的安全生产献计献策。  [关键词] 绿色植保 果树蔬菜 安全生产  [中图分类号] S474 [文献