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问题:中国人爱读推理小说的不多,能写推理小说的,更属凤毛麟角,这究竟是为什么?回答:写推理小说至少要具备几种本事,一是要有丰富的常识,不同生活层面、不同职业和身份的常识都要有;二是要有严密的逻辑思维,不能一本书到处都是破绽;三是要有点犯罪心理学、刑事侦缉学的根底,不能写起来捉襟见肘,欲言又止;最后,当然也要有写小说的基本功夫,人物塑造、细节描绘、对话等等。合理的过程是,先会写一般小说,再进而去写推理小说。 Question: What is the reason why Chinese people love to read small reasoning novels and write reasoning novels? Answer: To write a reasoning novel has at least several types of skills. First, we must have rich common sense and different life dimensions , Common sense of different occupations and identities have to have; the second is to have a rigorous logical thinking, not a book full of flaws; the third is to have a little criminal psychology, the basic criminal investigation, can not write hard-pressed, And finally; of course, also have to write a novel’s basic skills, characterization, details of the description, dialogue and so on. A reasonable process is to write a general novel first and then to write a reasoning novel.