Angiograms of the Abdominal Aorta in a Patient of Middle Aortic Syndrome

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzj509649444
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A 42-year old woman of middle aortic syndrome presented with severe hypertension for 20 years, whose abdominal aorta angiography revealed long segment and nearly complete occlusion in the mid portion of abdominal aorta, and extensively enlarged collateral vascular supply to the lower portion of abdominal aorta. The pressures proximal and distal to stenosis were 185/110 and 95/70 mmHg, and the pressure gradient across the stenosis was 90/40 mmHg. After the operation of thoraco-abdominal bypass graft, the pressure difference between the upper and lower extremities eventually disappeared. A 42-year old woman of middle aortic syndrome presented with severe hypertension for 20 years, whose abdominal aorta angiography revealed long segment and nearly complete occlusion in the mid portion of abdominal aorta, and extensively enlarged collateral vascular supply to the lower portion of abdominal aorta . The pressures proximal and distal to stenosis were 185/110 and 95/70 mmHg, and the pressure gradient across the stenosis was 90/40 mmHg. After the operation of thoraco-abdominal bypass graft, the pressure difference between the upper and lower extremities finally disappeared.
目的 对广州市一个罕见的血红蛋白H病同时合并异常血红蛋白Q和E家系进行分析.方法 采用美国HELENA公司全自动快速电泳分析系统测定血红蛋白(Hb)各种区带定量;同时进行异常Hb各项测定,包括吸收光谱试验、C结晶试验、溶解度试验、异丙醇试验、连二硫酸钠过筛试验、血红蛋白肽链裂解试验.首证者做了骨髓检查;4例均做外周血红细胞形态检查、常规血液检查、红细胞温育脆性试验、高铁血红蛋白还原试验、G6PD/
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