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契丹族和其他古代东北少数民族一样,最初只信仰萨满教,后来受汉人的影响,也开始信奉佛教和道教。至迟在耶律阿保机建国前,佛教已经传入契丹境内。耶律阿保机及耶律德光两代,连年南侵。在攻城陷邑后,把俘获的大批汉民迁往契丹境内。而在这些被俘的汉人中,就有不少僧尼和佛教徒。后汉的胡峤于后晋天福元年(936)出使契丹,就看到契丹的西楼(上京)有“绫锦诸工作、宦者、翰林、伎术、教坊、角抵、儒、僧尼、道士等,皆中国人,而并、汾、幽、蓟之人为多”1。这些僧尼和信徒来到契丹, Like other northeastern ethnic minorities in the ancient Qidan ethnic minority, the Qidan ethnic group initially believed in shamanism and later influenced by the Han Chinese began to embrace Buddhism and Taoism. Buddhism has been introduced into Khitan territory no later than Yelvpa. Yelv Baoru Yelv and two generations of light, year after year South invasion. Trapped in the siege, the captured large number of Han people moved to Khitan territory. Among the captured Han Chinese there are many monks and nuns. In the first year after the late Han Jin Dynasty (936), the beggar named Hu Kui went to Khitan to see that the western floor of Khitan (the capital of Beijing) had many works such as “Ailing, Huan, Hanlin, Monks and nuns, priests, etc., all Chinese, and, Fen, quiet, thistle of many ”1. These monks and nuns came to Khitan,