甲胎蛋白(甲种胎儿蛋白,AFP)是胚胎期哺乳动物在肝脏卵黄囊中合成的。从胎龄6周开始出现,其后逐渐增加,11~13周浓度达高峰(可达4mg/ml),16周很快下降,出生后-周仅余微量。在肝癌时,肝细胞向胚胎时期的多能状态反分化(Retrodifferentiat-ion),使原来处于阻抑状态的合成AFP 的有关基因脱抑制,因而重新活跃,出现合成AFP 的能力,故原发性肝癌病人血清中AFP 升高,其浓度可为正常人的数十倍乃至数万倍,可达250ng/ml~6mg/ml 水平(有的甚至高达8~9mg/ml)。AFP 国内各地阳性率一般在70~80%之间,放
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) is synthesized by embryonic mammals in the hepatic yolk sac. It began at 6 weeks of gestational age and gradually increased thereafter. The concentration peaked at 11 to 13 weeks (up to 4 mg/ml) and declined rapidly at 16 weeks. Only a few traces were found after birth. In liver cancer, the retrodifferentiation of hepatocytes to the pluripotent state of the embryonic stage results in the derepression of the genes involved in the synthetic AFP that were originally in the repressed state, and thus they reactivate, and the ability to synthesize AFP occurs. The serum AFP in patients with liver cancer is elevated, and its concentration can be tens or even tens of thousands of times higher than normal, and can reach levels of 250ng/ml to 6mg/ml (some as high as 8~9mg/ml). The positive rate of AFP in China is generally between 70 and 80%.