“金无足赤,人无完人”。领导者心胸豁达,宽以待人,才能团结人,发掘人才,充分发挥每个人的长处。 我体会最深的是,班子内部“搭伙计”,不能小肚鸡肠。我在市轴承厂当厂长时,与我同期提拔起来的党委书记,一开始和我配合挺好,后来由于种种原因,感情不融洽,主管局从工作考虑,将他调到另一个单位。后又调到铝厂任副厂长兼任下属的电子仪器厂长、总支书记。事情也真巧,后来组织上又派我到铝厂当厂长,原来的党政一把手就变成了上下级关系。有人说:“看他俩怎么处吧。”当时电子仪器厂作为被铝厂兼并的小厂,日子很不好过,已放假5个多月了。我当即表示:
“no one is perfect”. Open minded leaders, lenient people, in order to unite people, explore talent, give full play to the strengths of everyone. My deepest understanding is that the internal team “to take count” can not Xiaodujichang. When I was the factory director of the city bearing factory, the secretary of the party committee promoted with me at the beginning was very good with me at first. Later, due to various reasons, the feelings are not harmonious, and the office takes him to another unit from his work consideration. Later transferred to the deputy director of aluminum plant as subordinate electronic equipment factory director, general branch secretary. Things are also clever, and later on the organization and sent me to the aluminum factory when the original leader of the party and government has become superior and inferior relations. Someone said: “Look how they both go.” At that time, the electronic equipment factory, as a small factory annexed by Alcoa, had a hard time and had been on holiday for more than five months. I immediately said: