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最近,日本丰田汽车公司与圣玛利诺医科大学合作,试制了一种新型急救医疗车——医生随乘救护车,并用于该大学医院急救中心。车上配备有急救医疗所必需的各种医疗器械。医生、护士随车前往,在现场或运送途中可对急待处置的患者施行迅速、准确的处理。该车可以说是一个“运行中的集中治疗室”,能进行急救医疗,较现行救护车又前进了一大步。 Recently, Japan’s Toyota Motor Corporation and San Marino Medical University collaborated to trial a new emergency medical car - doctor ambulance, and used in the University Hospital emergency center. The car is equipped with a variety of medical equipment necessary for emergency medical treatment. Doctors and nurses travel with the car to provide prompt and accurate treatment of patients who are in urgent need of treatment on the spot or on the way. The car can be said to be a “centralized operation room in operation,” emergency medical treatment can be more ambulance than the current and a big step forward.
我国是胃癌的高发区,发病率和死亡率均为世界平均水平的2倍多,而且,我国的新发胃癌患者正呈现年轻化趋势。  2014年10月8日,《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法(修订草案征求意见稿)》开始向社会公开征求意见。意见稿加大了对违法排污行为的处罚力度,违法露天烧烤可罚2000元。  将“胃癌”与“露天烧烤”放在一起看似风马牛不相及,其实两者之间的关系相当密切。  胃癌发生在胃,这很自然让人想到它与食物有关