废弃池塘 还耕方法

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一般废弃的池塘和鱼塘的塘底都有一层黏质土层,阻水性能较好。我们先把塘内水抽干,再平整塘底,使其两边略高,中间略低,在塘底挖一条深为0.5米左右的排水沟,挖好后向“沟”内填满碎石,作为排水沟,然后把池塘填平后种田。 它的优点如下: 节水。由于有一层粘质土层起阻水作用,种植的土层又不厚,因此所用灌溉水量较少。 少占耕地。所灌多余水分,可由排水暗沟汇集排出,不像传统种田那样,要建明沟排水,因而可少占耕地。 Generally abandoned ponds and fish ponds have a layer of clay soil layer, water resistance is better. Let’s draw the water in the pond first and then flat the bottom of the pond to make it slightly higher on both sides and slightly lower in the middle. Dig a drainage gutter about 0.5 meter deep in the bottom of the pond, As a drain, then fill the pond after farming. Its advantages are as follows: water-saving. Since there is a layer of clayey soil water blocking effect, the soil is not planted thick, so less irrigation water used. Less occupation of arable land. The irrigation of excess water can be drained by drains, but unlike the traditional farming, it is necessary to build gully drains so as to occupy less cultivated land.
患儿:女,2岁2个月.因斜颈反复交替发生18月,听力减退1月就诊.患儿生后8个月时无明显诱因下家长发现其颈向右斜,头往左偏.当时无呕吐及嗜睡,较平日烦躁,持续5 d自行缓解.生后10个月时再次发生.但此次颈向左斜,头往右偏,持续3 d后自行缓解,此后每隔2~3月发作1次,斜颈从一侧交替发生到另一侧,尤以季节交替时发生稍频繁,至就诊时已发生5次。