1924年,陕西米脂人杜聿明与陕籍青年阎揆要、关麟征等11人,千里迢迢奔赴广州,经陕籍国民党元老于右任推荐,考入黄埔军校。同年12月,杜聿明从军校毕业,开始了他20多年的军事生涯。 1927年“四·一二”反共事变之后,宁汉对立,杜聿明在武汉因为拥蒋被关押,他冒死扮成商人逃到南京,投奔蒋介石,从此逐渐得到蒋的信任。1929年,蒋介石成立教导第二师,张治中任师长。杜聿明被委任为该师中校营长。1930年冬,教导二师改为陆军第四师,徐庭瑶任师长,杜聿明任第二十四团团长。徐庭瑶见多数团队都松松垮垮,只有杜聿明
In 1924, 11 people including Du Yuming, Mizhi of Shaanxi Province, Yan Yanshan of Shanshan Youth and Guan Linzheng, went to Guangzhou with a thousand miles, and were admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy after being elected by the elders of the Shaanxi Kuomintang. In December the same year, Du Yuming graduated from the military academy, began his 20 years of military career. After the “April 12” anti-communist coup in 1927, Ning and Han confronted each other. Du Yuming was detained in Wuhan for possessing Chiang. He risked death to become a businessman who fled to Nanjing and went to Chiang Kai-shek to gain Chiang’s trust. In 1929, Chiang Kai-shek set up to teach the second division, Zhang Zhizhong any teacher. Du Yuming was appointed commander of Lieutenant Colonel. In the winter of 1930, the two divisions were taught to be the fourth division of the army and Xu Tingyao was the division commander. Du Yuming was the head of the twenty-fourth regiment. Xu Tingyao see most teams are baggy, only Du Yuming