近来,在一篇有关中华人民共和国(简称“中国”)语言管理(Spolsky 2014)的文章的脚注中,我曾预言李宇明论文集英译本的发行,会给这一主题提供极为重要的信息。作为中国国家语言文字工作委员会的官方年度报告,李宇明主编的《中国语言生活状况报告》的英译本现已出版三卷(李宇明、李嵬2013,2014,2015),其中有关语言管理活动的描述也证实了我的推断。如今这部李宇明文章英译稿的结集,不限于提供信息,更是通过揭
Recently, in a footnote to an article on Spolsky 2014 in the People’s Republic of China (“”), I had predicted that the publication of Li Yu-ming’s English translation of the essay collection would provide the very important information. As the official annual report of China’s State Languages Commission, the English translation of the Chinese Language Living Report compiled by Li Yu-ming has now been published in three volumes (Li Yu-ming, Li Kui 2013, 2014 and 2015) The description also confirms my inference. Today, this collection of articles written by Li Yu-ming’s articles is not limited to providing information, it is through exposing