1976年日本一篇文章,题为《炉渣利用率达66%,粉尘提高到89%》,摘要如下: 钢铁工业炉渣和粉尘的回收利用率在稳步地提高。日本通产省于二十日公布了1976年日本81家公司152个厂(占全国钢产量的90.5%)的三废产生及利用状况调查结果。炉渣产生总量为4418万吨,其中,高炉渣2654万吨(每吨生铁307公斤),占60.1%;转炉渣1214万吨(每吨钢140公斤),占27.5%;电炉渣149万吨(每吨钢148公斤);平炉渣11万吨(每吨钢228公斤);铁合金渣390万吨(最多的,如低碳镍铁每吨产生10吨渣,而硅系铁合金几乎不产生渣)。炉渣的回收利用率(不包括用于填埋
An article in Japan in 1976, entitled “Slag utilization rate of 66%, dust increased to 89%”, summarized as follows: The steel industry slag and dust recycling rate steadily increased. Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry announced on the 20th that in 1976 81 factories in Japan, 152 factories (accounting for 90.5% of the national steel production) of the three wastes generation and utilization of the findings. The total slag production was 44.18 million tons, of which 26.54 million tons (307 kg per tonne of pig iron) accounted for 60.1%; 12.14 million tons of converter slag (140 kg per ton of steel), accounting for 27.5%; and 1.90 million tons of electric furnace slag (148 kilograms per ton of steel); 110,000 tons of flat slag (228 kilograms per ton of steel); 3.9 million tons of ferroalloy slag (up to 10 tons of slag per tonne of low carbon ferronickel, for example) ). Slag recycling rate (not including for landfill