结、直肠癌多见于年龄在40岁以上的中老年患者,但青壮年亦常有发生,临床上常易误诊而延误治疗时机,我院近年误诊青年结、直肠癌9例,为吸取经验教训,现将误诊原因总结分析如下。 1 临床资料 本组9例中,男7例,女2例,均为30岁以下的青年患者,病程在1个月以内者2例,2~6个月者5例,7~12个月者2例。临床表现:全部病例先后均有不同程度的腹痛、腹泻7例伴里急后重,5例脐周及左下腹压痛。便血2例,脓血便6例,粘液血便3例,腹部肿块2例。误诊疾病:7例误诊为肠炎、菌痢,2例误诊为痔疮。手术诊断:乙状结肠癌5例,直肠癌4例。病理检查均为腺癌。
Results, colorectal cancer more common in the elderly over the age of 40 elderly patients, but young adults are also often occur, often misdiagnosed clinically and delay the timing of treatment, our hospital misdiagnosed youth knot, rectal cancer in 9 cases in recent years, to learn from experience The reasons for misdiagnosis are summarized below. 1 Clinical data The group of 9 patients, 7 males and 2 females, all younger than 30 years of age, duration of less than 1 month in 2 cases, 2 to 6 months in 5 cases, 7 to 12 months 2 cases. Clinical manifestations: All cases have varying degrees of abdominal pain, diarrhea, 7 cases with tenesmus, 5 cases of umbilical cord and left lower quadrant tenderness. 2 cases of blood in the stool, 6 cases of pus and blood, 3 cases of mucus bloody stool, 2 cases of abdominal mass. Misdiagnosis of disease: 7 cases misdiagnosed as enteritis, bacillary dysentery, 2 cases misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids. Surgical diagnosis: 5 cases of sigmoid colon cancer, 4 cases of rectal cancer. Pathological examination are adenocarcinoma.