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该设计的灵感来源于文化上的细节;它没有追求形式上的极端性,而是通过具有伊斯兰与马来西亚建筑特点的细部、图案、花纹、墙面材质之间微妙的袒露与对比来更为传统地表达这座建筑。它面向布城的主大街,与纪念性广场和其具有形式感的植栽相互呼应。带有拱廊的新月形建筑主体由细柱支撑,整个形体由下层向上层收缩。百叶窗为建筑撑开一顶伞,遮 Inspired by cultural details, the design is not traced to formal extremes but is more traditional through subtle exposure and contrast between details, motifs, patterns and wall materials that characterize Islamic and Malaysian architecture Express the building. It faces the main boulevard in Putrajaya and interacts with the memorial plaza and its formal plantings. The crescent-shaped main body with arcades is supported by thin columns, and the entire body shrinks from the lower to the upper. Blinds open a umbrella for the building, cover
康康动物王国的大街小巷流传着一条令人惊喜的好消息:大名鼎鼎的花狐狸博士新开了一家“擦擦亮”美容院。此刻,立体声高音大喇叭正播放着广告歌曲:“呵!擦擦亮,擦擦亮,谁来擦一擦,谁就变模样!”   瞧,脸色憔悴的花鹿大婶从美容院走出来,顷刻成了容光焕发的时装模特儿。花鹿大伯笑脸相迎,一下挽住花鹿大婶的胳臂,说:“亲爱的,我的心因为你的美而激动,我的爱因为你的美而升华。总而言之,言而总之,没有谁能跟你媲美