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一、比较方法在文博研究中的核心作用所谓考古比较法就是在确定对象之间的差异点和共同点的一种研究方法。是人们根据一定需要和标准,将彼此具有某种联系的事物进行科学分析、对比,从而找出它们的内在联系、共同本质以及自身特有本质规律的方法。就文博研究而言,比较方法可以通过对文物器物异同比较,所折射出的文化异同比较,科学的确定器物的演变关 First, the comparative method in the cultural studies of the central role of the so-called archeology comparison method is to determine the differences between the points and common ground of a research method. It is a method for people to scientifically analyze and contrast things that have some connection with each other according to certain needs and standards so as to find out their internal relations, common essences and their own inherent laws. As far as the research of Wen Bo is concerned, the comparative method can compare the similarities and differences of cultural artifacts, compare the similarities and differences of cultures reflected by science, and determine the evolvement of artifacts
Nano-calcium carbonate composite particles were synthesized by the soapless emulsion polymerization technique of dou- ble monomers.The composite particles forma