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非物质文化遗产的生存是以“人”为核心的。因此,“非遗”传承人的生存现状即是“非遗”的生存现状。本文通过对天津地区曲艺类非物质文化遗产表演者生存现状的调研和分析来呈现天津曲艺的生存现状。目前,天津地区曲艺类非物质文化遗产的生存现状可以概括为三种形态,符号化生存的非遗法定传承人、双重演出空间下的曲艺团演员以及原生生存形态下的民营剧团及其演员,这三类群体构成了天津曲艺生存现状的基本格局。天津地区第一批曲艺类非物质文化遗产共6项,它们 The existence of intangible cultural heritage is centered on “people ”. Therefore, “non-legacy ” successor status quo is “non-legacy ” survival status quo. This article presents the present situation of Tianjin Quyi through the investigation and analysis of the living conditions of the performers of the non-material cultural heritage of folk art in Tianjin. At present, the existing status quo of the non-material cultural heritage of folk art in Tianjin can be summarized as three forms, the non-statutory inheritors of symbolic existence, the opera performers in the double performance space and the private theater troupes and their performers in the form of original living, These three groups constitute the basic pattern of the status quo of Tianjin Qu Arts. Tianjin, the first batch of Quyi intangible cultural heritage a total of 6, they