为了响应国家建设国际一流科技期刊的号召,《中华显微外科杂志》秉承“传承、创新、团结、合作、国际化”新使命,2020年将增设“世界显微外科大师”“中国显微外科先驱”栏目;编撰《中国显微外科中英文文献目录索引》《中华显微外科杂志历届编委画册》;开设“《中华显微外科杂志》传承与创新论坛”,树立学术交流的新品牌;着力培养坚持显微外科一线工作的中、青年骨干;参与国际学术交流,加强与国际同行的合作;增加符合国际惯例的中、英文题目及摘要,增加中文参考文献对应的英文标注;有针对性地创造条件进入国际数据检索库,提升杂志国际影响力。“,”In and from year 2020, we will work on an enthusiastic initiative: to make the n Chinese Journal of Microsurgery a world leading sci-tech journal by executing our new mission “inheritance, innovation, unity, cooperation and internationalization” . Two special columns will be created: n World Masters in Microsurgery and n Pioneers of Microsurgery in China. We will start to compile a bilingual n Bibliographic Index of Literatures in Microsurgery in China (Chinese and English), and publish a commemorative album which includes all the successive members of the editorial boards of the n Chinese Journal of Microsurgery. A new academic and communicational forum will be established through a series of academic seminars held by the n Chinese Journal of Microsurgery. In addition, we will start professional training programs for the surgeons and junior surgeons who work in the first-line of care in microsurgery, assist and enable them to participate international academic events and build/establish cooperation with their international counterparts. In line with international standards, we will apply bilingual titles and abstracts of articles in both Chinese and English, and add English interpretations/translations to all the references listed in Chinese. We will continue to keep our best work to make our journal being listed by the Medline hence to fulfil international involvement.n