呼吸道淀粉样变可以是局灶性,也可以是全身浸润的一部分,较少见。 临床资料 患者 男、64岁。咳嗽3年,因痰中带血3个月、声音嘶哑1个月,于1993年3月24日入院。在当地医院纤维支气管镜取材病理诊断为“气管乳头状瘤”。予强的松30mg/d,无效。个人史:吸烟30年,30支/d。接触化学农药10年(有机磷为主)。查体:体温36.8℃,脉搏85次,呼吸20次,血压17/12kPa。无紫绀。气管居中,桶状胸,肺叩诊过清音,可
Respiratory amyloidosis can be focal, it can be part of systemic infiltration, less common. Male patient, 64 years old. Cough for 3 years, due to sputum bloody 3 months, hoarse voice 1 month, on March 24, 1993 admission. In the local hospital fiberoptic bronchoscopy pathological diagnosis as “tracheal papilloma.” Prednisone 30mg / d, invalid. Personal history: smoking 30 years, 30 / d. 10 years of exposure to chemical pesticides (mainly organic phosphorus). Physical examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse 85 times, breathing 20 times, blood pressure 17 / 12kPa. No cyanosis. Tracheal center, barrel chest, lung percussion over the voiceless, can