盆栽试验结果表明,溶磷菌Enterobacteria sp.EnHy-401能较好地在盐渍土壤中定植,并对小麦的生长和矿质营养的吸收有促进作用。与对照相比,生长在经接菌处理盐渍土中的小麦,其地上部分和根系的干重增加了28.1%和14.6%,植株中对磷、钙、钾和镁的吸收率分别提高了34.4%、36.3%、31.5%、6.3%。该菌株所表现出来的对盐渍土壤中磷素有效性的提高、对小麦吸收K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、P等矿质营养的促进作用以及小麦生长与矿质营养元素吸收之间高度的相关性表明,溶磷菌株Enterobacteria sp.EnHy-401对盐胁迫下小麦生长的促进效应主要是通过改善盐渍土中部分矿质营养的供应,增强植株对P、Ca,Mg、K等营养元素的选择性吸收而实现,该效应受到土壤盐分和营养基质的影响。
The results of pot experiment showed that Enterobacteria sp. Enhy-401 could be colonized in saline soils and promoted the growth of wheat and the absorption of mineral nutrients. Compared with the control, the dry weight of wheat grown in the inoculated saline soil increased by 28.1% and 14.6% of the dry weight of the aboveground and root systems, and the absorption of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium in the plants increased respectively 34.4%, 36.3%, 31.5%, 6.3%. The high correlation between the enhancement of phosphorus availability in salinized soil and the promotion of mineral nutrition such as K +, Ca2 +, Mg2 +, P in wheat and the absorption of mineral nutrients by the strain showed that, The promoting effect of Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401 on the growth of wheat under salt stress is mainly through improving the supply of some mineral nutrients in saline soil and enhancing the selective absorption of P, Ca, Mg, K and other nutrient elements in plants, This effect is affected by soil salinity and nutrient matrices.