Chris Cox——TIMBMET木材公司环境主管:欧盟的木材法规(EU Timber Regulation,EUTR)的实施增进了对获取可持续的、合法的热带木材和木材产品的认知和责任感。客户对产品有了更多的质疑,因为他们经常听到合法性问题,但又不能确知自己有多大责任。因此,对关于热带木材的证明文件和来源信息的需求越来越高了。热带木材供应商提供的认证产品在稳步增加,帮助买主进入EUTR实施后市场的各国具体的合法性纲要也在明显地增加。我们将通过Helveta Digital Passport project(Helveta数字通行证计划)积极主动地参与,这是一个网上的跟踪系统,汇集了有关木材来源的所有信息,覆盖供应链的每个阶段。今后几年,预
Chris Cox - Environment Manager, TIMBMET Timber Company: The implementation of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) has increased our awareness and responsibility for the acquisition of sustainable, legal tropical timber and timber products. Customers have more questions about the product, because they often hear the legitimacy issue, but can not know how much responsibility they have. As a result, there is a growing demand for information on tropical timber certification and source information. There is also a notable increase in the number of countries’ specific legal frameworks that the market for certified products from tropical timber suppliers is steadily increasing to help buyers enter EUTR. We will be proactively involved with the Helveta Digital Passport project, an online tracking system that brings together all the information about wood sources covering every stage of the supply chain. In the next few years, pre-