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长征途中,有一支特殊的队伍,这就是由两千多人组成的红四方面军妇女独立师,她们既要侦察敌情,瓦解敌人,打击敌人,保卫总部首长的安全,同时她们每到一个地方还要帮助地方建党建政,扩大红军,又要抬着伤病员和我军重要物资,同大部队一同前进。她们趟深沟,翻高山,一路脚印一路血迹,用她们瘦弱的身躯,顽强的革命意志,冒着生命危险,付出沉重的代价,终于将物资送到中央红军手里。你知道长征途中让毛主席朱总司令品尝的中坝腊肉是怎样得来的吗?请看当年亲自参与攻打和夺取中坝城的红军妇女独立师老战士张正秀70年后道出的秘密。 Long journey, there is a special team, which is composed of more than two thousand Red Fourth Army women independent division, they both to reconnoitre the enemy, disintegrate the enemy, attack the enemy, defend the safety of the head of the headquarters, while they are also a place to go We must help localities build their party and government, expand the Red Army, and carry the important supplies of wounded and sick people and our army to move forward with the large forces. They trip deep ditch, mountains, all the way to the footprints of blood, with their thin body, tenacious revolutionary will, risking their lives, pay a heavy price, and finally sent to the hands of the Central Reds supplies. Did you know how Zhongba bacon was tasted by Commander-in-chief Zhu of the Long March on the way to the Long March? Look at the secrets that Zhang Zhengxiu, the independent veteran of the Red Army who personally attacked and captured in Zhongba City, 70 years later.
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下雨天,洗好的衣服不容易干,即使干了也会有一股难闻的气味。所以,我要发明一个人造太阳。  这个人造太阳小巧玲珑,使用方便,而且还很省电,只要装几节电池就可以使用了。打开开关,它会像太阳一样发出光芒。你还可以调节它的亮度,如果你想衣服很快变干,就调到最高挡,它会用最强的光来照射衣服,让衣服在短时间内变干。如果你嫌调节太麻烦,没有关系,只要打开开关,它就会自动随着衣物的干湿程度而改变亮度。  另外,如
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最具主编风范留言:《少年文艺》是一本好书,有幻想,也有一份沉重。今年的童话写得十分好,让人充满幻想,心灵更加纯洁;但今年的报告文学似乎不怎么好,有几篇让我没有感觉; Th
达尔文的进化论中曾提到:“物竞天择,适者生存。”在现代的工商社会中,竞争更是激烈。许多望子成龙、望女成凤的父母,为了 Darwin’s theory of evolution has mentioned:
This paper reviews the investigation status of the techniques for preparation of metal matrix composites and the research outcomes achieved recently. The mechan