目的:探讨餐后不同运动强度、持续时间、起始时间对健康成人血糖及胰岛素的影响。方法:7名年轻健康、不经常运动、BMI均低于20的受试者,参加有间歇的4组运动及前后2组静息实验,采用正交设计实验,运动因素为运动强度(3 METs、5 METs)、持续时间(15min、35min)、餐后运动起始时间(15min、30min),各因素分为两水平。检测空腹及服用标准餐后7个不同时间点(餐后15min、30min、45min、60min、90min、120min、150min)的血糖及胰岛素,计算血糖-时间曲线下面积(GAUC)和胰岛素-时间曲线下面积(IAUC),并监测运动能量消耗。结果:运动35分钟的餐后IAUC显著低于运动15分钟(P<0.05);餐后起始运动时间为15分钟的GAUC及血糖峰值显著低于静息组(P<0.05);不同运动强度间未见效果差异。持续35分钟运动的能量消耗显著高于持续15分钟;餐后15分钟开始运动的能量消耗显著高于30分钟,5 METs强度运动的能量消耗显著高于3 METs。结论:餐后持续运动35分钟较运动15分钟可显著改善餐后糖代谢;餐后15分钟开始运动产生的降低血糖峰值的效应优于餐后30分钟开始运动。
Objective: To investigate the effect of different postprandial exercise intensity, duration and start time on blood glucose and insulin in healthy adults. Methods: Seven young healthy and infrequent subjects with BMI less than 20 participated in 4 groups of intermittent exercise and 2 groups of resting before and after exercise. The orthogonal design was used and the exercise parameters were exercise intensity (3 METs , 5 METs), duration (15min, 35min), postprandial exercise start time (15min, 30min), the factors were divided into two levels. The fasting blood glucose and insulin at 7 different time points after meal (15min, 30min, 45min, 60min, 90min, 120min and 150min after meal) were measured and the area under the curve of blood glucose-time and the insulin- Area (IAUC) and monitor exercise energy expenditure. Results: The postprandial IAUC after exercise for 35 minutes was significantly lower than that for exercise for 15 minutes (P <0.05). The GAUC and peak of blood glucose after 15 minutes of starting exercise were significantly lower than those of rest group (P <0.05) No effect difference. The energy expenditure during the 35-minute exercise was significantly higher than that for the 15-minute exercise, that after 15-minute postprandial exercise was significantly higher than 30 minutes, and that for the 5-METs intensity exercise was significantly higher than 3 METs. CONCLUSIONS: Postprandial exercise lasting 35 minutes significantly improved postprandial glucose metabolism compared with exercise for 15 minutes. The effect of lowering blood glucose peak started 15 minutes after meal was better than that of 30 minutes postprandial exercise.