吴奇伟(1890—1953年),是一位出色的抗日“铁军”名将,有“铁军之母”之誉称。 吴奇伟,字晴云,号梧生,广东省大埔县湖寮镇密坑村人。出身于贫苦家庭。他十四岁进入黄埔陆军小学,后升入陆军中学。陆军中学毕业后被保送入保定陆军军官学校步科第六期。毕业后,曾在陈炯明部任排长、连长、营长等职。1920年8月,孙中山先生为准备北伐在广东建立革命根据地,一面命令
Wu Qiwei (1890-1953) is an excellent anti-Japanese “iron army” star, “the iron mother of the” reputation. Wu Qiwei, the word clear clouds, number Wu Sheng, Tai Po County, Guangdong Province, the town of Lao hole pit village. Born in a poor family. At the age of 14, he entered Huangpu Army Primary School and later moved to Army Middle School. After graduating from the army was escorted into Baoding Army Corps of Engineers sixth phase. After graduation, Chen Jiongming served in the platoon leader, company commander, battalion commander. August 1920, Sun Yat-sen in preparation for the northern expedition in Guangdong to establish a revolutionary base, the order