近年来 ,大量的事实表明在市场经济甚为发达的美国也存在着大量的裙带主义行为。为了形成自己的市场竞争优势并获取物质利益 ,大量的公司和有权力权威的个人使用了裙带关系。这使人们认识到在美国实行市场资本主义的同时 ,出现了裙带资本主义。裙带资本主义行为可以包括官商结合式的裙带行为、企业裙带行为和技术裙带行为。美国裙带资本主义的表现对我们的启示在于 :这种表现具有普遍性 ,对这种行为进行遏制的方针应当是在建设市场经济的同时 ,建设与之相适应的强力的公开透明的有自我批评能力的文化 ,使得权力和权威能够抵御市场化的不断侵蚀 ,使得裙带行为不断处于人们的监控和遏制之中。
In recent years, a large number of facts show that there is also a great deal of nepotism in the United States, where the market economy is highly developed. In order to form their own market competitive advantage and access to material benefits, a large number of companies and individuals with authority and authority to use the nepotism. This led people to realize that while capitalist markets were practiced in the United States, crony capitalism emerged. Cincinnati capitalist behavior may include the combination of official business crony, business crony and technical crony. The revelation of the performance of us in crony capitalism is that this kind of performance is universal and the policy of containing this behavior should be to construct a strong and open, self-criticism that is compatible with it while building a market economy The culture of ability enables the power and authority to withstand the constant erosion of marketization, making the crony continue to be monitored and deterred by people.