选择题是近年来初中物理考试及平时考查的一种常用的重要题型。以成都市九七年中考试卷来看,物理试题 A 卷中有十七道单项选择题,分值为51分,占 A 卷总分的一半还多.在 B卷中单项选择题七道,分值为14分;多项选择题三道,分值为9分.这两类选择题共计23分,占 B 卷总分的近一半.由于选择题具有概念性强、知识覆盖面广且便于微机读卡阅卷等特点,因此解答选择题,不仅能反映学生掌握知识的程度,而且有助于中考后快速统计成
The multiple-choice questions are a commonly used important question in junior high school physics examinations and usual examinations in recent years. According to the examination paper of Chengdu in 1997, there are seventeen single-choice questions in the volume A of the physics test, with a score of 51, which is more than half of the total score of the A volume. In the B volume, there are seven single-choice questions, divided into The value is 14 points; there are 3 multiple-choice questions and the score is 9 points. The two types of multiple-choice questions total 23 points, accounting for nearly half of the total volume of B. Because the multiple-choice questions are conceptually strong, knowledge coverage is wide and computer-friendly. Reading card reading and other characteristics, so answer multiple-choice questions, not only reflect the level of students’ knowledge, but also help the rapid statistics after the test