The development and utilization of newspaper intelligence sources is an important part of reforming and activating the party school intelligence work and giving full play to its role. First, to adapt to the needs of teaching reform, set the newspaper topic, the preparation of search tools combined with the situation to hold various short courses, rotation classes, which is a routine school party. Because newspapers are published in a timely manner, fast delivery and timeliness are strong, Party libraries’ reference rooms should collect, process and sort out the necessary information to develop useful information and effectively serve the short courses. According to the needs, we can set up the intelligence topic and compile newspaper search tools. Such topics are generally short-term, prominent center, can be called short-term topic. The search tools can be directories, bibliographies, abstracts or indexes. For example, after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party, the library of reference materials for a county party school has set up the special topic of “Economic System Reform.” The catalog under this special topic reflects the classification of documents, the titles of papers, the names of newspapers, the publication date and edition Times. Conditional county party school library reference room can also prepare newspaper index or abstracts. In order to further facilitate intelligence users, it is sometimes possible to set up a number of subtopics under a single topic and then prepare a list of subtopics.