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“‘十三五’结束时候,我一定要再回来看看新疆交通的变化……”当54岁的交通运输部援疆干部、新疆交通运输厅党委委员、副厅长汪宝良准备离开新疆时,他突然发现,这个曾承载自己3年感情和付出的地方,早已成为心头最柔软的部分,想到即将离开,竟无语凝噎,潸然泪下。三年援疆路,一生新疆情。和许多援疆干部一样,汪宝良把人生中一段宝贵的时光义无反顾地留在了新疆大地上,用博大的家国情怀、无私的大爱深情、尽责担当的精神,为新疆交 “At the end of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, I must come back to see the changes in traffic in Xinjiang ... ” When 54-year-old Ministry of Transport aid Xinjiang cadre, Xinjiang Transportation Department Party committee member, deputy director Wang Baoliang ready to leave Xinjiang When he suddenly found that this place had carried his three years of feelings and pay, has become the most soft heart of the part, think about leaving, actually speechless, shed tears. Three years aid Xinjiang Road, Xinjiang life throughout his life. Like many aid Xinjiang cadres, Wang Baoliang left a valuable time in his life on the land of Xinjiang. He used the generous feelings of his family and unrelenting love, his responsible duty,
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In this paper,we investigate the growth of meromorphic solutions of higher order linear differential equation,f(k)+Ak-1(z)ePk-1(z)f(k-1)+…+A1(z)eP1(z)f’+A0(z)
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