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“国画”,或者说“中国画”,这个名称的由来,是半殖民地半封建社会的产物,当帝国主义的洋枪洋炮叩开了中国大门时,洋货、洋文、洋画随之而入,为了用以区别舶来品,出现了国货、国文、国画等一系列相对应的新名词。当时的国画之意,乃指文人卷轴画而言,并非包括中国的一切绘画。由国画到中国画名称的变化,其时间不长,但实际上已显露出了这一名词的不科学性和模糊性,因而《辞海》、《美术辞典》“中国画”这条词目的释义尽管用了数百字的篇幅,仍难以尽如人意。由此说来,“中国画”,它是一个模糊的概念。 The origin of the name “Chinese painting,” or “Chinese painting,” is the product of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. When imperialist guns of artillery knocked open China’s doors, foreign goods, foreign languages ​​and foreign paintings came along. In order to use In order to distinguish between imported goods, there appeared a series of corresponding new terms such as domestic products, Chinese and traditional Chinese painting. At that time, the meaning of traditional Chinese painting was referring to the scrolls of the literati and not all the paintings of China. The change of name from traditional Chinese painting to Chinese painting is not a long time, but in fact has uncovered the unscientific and fuzzy nature of this term. Therefore, the purpose of the term “Cihai” and “art dictionary” and “Chinese painting” The length of hundreds of words is still not satisfactory. From this, “Chinese painting”, it is a vague concept.