日本川崎钢铁公司,由于对 Ni-Fe 电镀方法的研究和采用,使结晶器表面耐磨性提高,寿命延长到单纯镀镍层的两倍以上,使用既无压下量、又可避免铸坯鼓肚的夹辊机组进行拉坯和矫直,实现了高速浇注;采用挠度小的分段导辊,使导辊寿命延长,铸坯质量稳定;在辊子表面堆焊不锈钢13Cr4Ni,使辊子的耐蚀性、耐磨性大大提高,在辊子采用多次车削返修回用、直到辊子小于规定的直径报废为止的方法,及使用不锈无缝钢管做辊筒,辊子成本可望进一步降低。本文对上述问题,并就几项设备检查技术进行了阐述。
Kawasaki Iron and Steel Company of Japan, due to the Ni-Fe plating method of research and adoption, so that the mold surface wear resistance, life expectancy extended to more than double pure nickel layer, the use of both the amount of reduction, but also to avoid slab The belly roller nip roll drawing and straightening, to achieve high-speed casting; the deflection of the small section of the guide roller, the guide roller life extension, the slab quality and stability; the surface of the roller surfacing stainless steel 13Cr4Ni, the roller resistance Corrosion resistance and wear resistance greatly improved, the use of multiple turning back to the roller back to use until the roller diameter less than the prescribed method of scrap, and the use of stainless steel seamless tube roller, roller costs are expected to further reduce. This article on the above problems, and several equipment inspection techniques are described.