Study on Farmers' Satisfaction with the Supply of Public Goods for Disaster Reduction in Agricu

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengjiangjie
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According to actual features of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture,an evaluation indicator system of farmers’ satisfaction with the supply of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture composed of five first-grade indicators containing 18 second-grade indicators was established firstly,and then a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of farmers’ satisfaction was set up. Finally,farmers’ satisfaction with the supply of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture in two counties and one district of Hubei Province was evaluated by the model. The results show that farmers are satisfied with the supply of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture on the whole,but farmers’ satisfaction with openness about funds for disaster reduction,supply structure of public goods,work attitude and work efficiency is at a general level. Some suggestions about the four aspects were proposed,such as improving supervisory mechanisms to increase funding transparency,making information channels unblocked to improve the supply efficiency of public goods for disaster reduction,and improving the quality of government workers to increase their work efficiency. According to actual features of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture, an evaluation indicator system of farmers’ satisfaction with the supply of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture composed of five second-grade indicators containing established first, and then a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of farmers’ satisfaction was the supply of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture in two counties and one district of Hubei Province was evaluated by the model. The results show that farmers are satisfied with the supply of public goods for disaster reduction in agriculture on the whole, but farmers’ satisfaction with openness about funds for disaster reduction, supply structure of public goods, work attitude and work efficiency is at a general level. four aspects were proposed, such as improving supervisory mechanisms to increase funding transparency, makin g information channels unblocked to improve the supply efficiency of public goods for disaster reduction, and improving the quality of government workers to increase their work efficiency.
前不久,随着国家标准GB 29541-2013《热泵热水机(器)能效限定值及能效等级》正式实施,一种既熟悉又陌生的家电产品——空气能热水器再度成为消费者关注的焦点。■何为“空气
去年,农夫山泉和京华时报的激烈论战,引发了公众对于市面上饮用水质量和标准的关注。不过,大战偃旗息鼓之后,饮用水质量和标准的问题依旧混沌不堪。  解析纯净水与矿物质水  市面上包装饮用水的名称多到让人无法辨识。记者走访了北京多家超市,饮用天然水、饮用纯净水、矿物质水、蒸馏水……28个包装饮用水,竟用了15种名称。  其中,纯净水和矿物质水是我们平时最常见的,属于非天然饮用水。除了名目繁多,它们的价格
詹姆斯.史密森(James Smithson)在1826年时曾立遗嘱,用自己的财产成立一家研究机构,以“增进和传播知识”为使命。他的理想成就了如今世界上规模最大的博物馆群,包括19座博物