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档号的编制是齐企业档案管理的一项十分重要的工作,它对档案的排架、检索、利用和统计起关键作用。目前,很多企业实行档案综合管理,但档号比较乱,影响了档案管理的规范化、标准化,影响了档章管理水平的提高。因而,我们应当重视对档号的编制。1 档案的概念什么是档号?此概念在《档案著录规则》(GB3792.5-85)中认为:档号即档案馆(室)在整理档案过程中对档案的编号;它包括全宗号、案卷目录号、案卷号、件号或页号。根据《文书档案案卷格式》(GB9705-88);文书档案的档号由全棕号、目录号和案 The establishment of the file number is a very important task in the management of enterprise records. It plays a key role in the file’s layout, retrieval, utilization and statistics. At present, many enterprises implement integrated file management, but the file number is disorderly, which affects the standardization and standardization of file management and affects the improvement of file management. Therefore, we should pay attention to the preparation of the file number. 1 Concept of file What is a file number? This concept is considered in the “Archive Recording Rule” (GB3792.5-85): The file number is the number of files in the archives (rooms) during the filing process; it includes all the serial numbers. , directory number, file number, part number, or page number. According to the “Document File Archive Format” (GB9705-88); the file number of the archive file consists of the full brown number, directory number and case
【摘要】本研究对120名幼儿(大、中、小班各40名)进行了对比实验,以探究教师提问对幼儿叙事宏观结构和微观结构的影响。结果显示,教师提问对小班和中班幼儿叙事宏观结构和微观结构均有显著的积极影响,而对大班幼儿叙事宏观结构和微观结构均无明显影响;教师提问能够帮助中班和小班幼儿在叙事中节省认知资源,优化注意资源的分配;教师提问对大班幼儿效应的缺失,可能与教师所提问题的深度有关。  【关键词】提问;叙事;