“周侯恋”女主角侯佩岑首度松口,对周杰伦的一切侃侃而谈,却还没有勇气承认周杰伦“男朋友”的地位!谈到两人何时进礼堂,侯佩岑大笑三声,并连说3 次:“想太多!” 侯佩岑首度与FANS的见面会,也成了恋情解说记者会。喜欢周杰伦什么优点?侯佩岑脸上一阵幸福的微笑,缓缓形容:“他蛮有才气,觉得蛮踏实的,第一次见面时就觉得他是不错的年轻人。” 侯佩岑在新书《Patty’s About Love》中,曾与周杰伦讨论爱的话题,谈论“爱是什么”、“对爱情勇不勇敢” 的问题,现实生活中,周杰伦对感情勇敢吗?侯佩岑笑说: “他比较爱面子啦!不过做的和当初说的差不多!”
“Hou Hou Lian ” actress Patty Pattan for the first time to loose mouth, talked about all Jay Chou, but still no courage to recognize Jay Chou “boyfriend ” status when it comes to the two hall, Patty laughter three times, And even said 3: “Too much!” Patty Hou first meeting with the FANS, has also become romance to explain press conference. Patty’s face a happy smile, slowly described: “He is very talented, quite realistic, the first time I met him that he is a good young man.” “Patty’s in the new book,” Patty’s About Love “, had talked with Jay Chou about the topic of love, talk about ” love is “, ” courageous about love “issue, in real life, Jay is brave about the feelings? He loves the face of it! But what we did was almost the same! ”