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经济发展是古今中外人类社会的头等大事,因为,只有经济发展了才有可能稳定社会,才有可能推动其他各项事业的发展。那么,什么是推动经济向前发展的推手呢?概言之,主要有以下一个些方面。1.自然环境。不管是哪个国家的经济,最早都可能与原始农业相关,而原始农业的出现是由自然环境决定的。中国北方最早的粮食作物粟,在原始社会的陕西西安半坡遗址中就有;水稻在浙江余姚河姆渡遗址中就有。古希腊的工商业比较发达,这取决于其三面环海,海岸 Economic development is the number one priority for human society at all times and in all countries. Only when economic development can we stabilize society will it be possible to promote the development of other undertakings. So, what is the driving force behind the development of the economy? In summary, there are mainly one of the following aspects. Natural environment No matter which country’s economy, the earliest may be related to primitive agriculture, while the emergence of primitive agriculture is determined by the natural environment. The earliest grain millet in northern China was found in the original Banpo Site in Xi’an, Shaanxi province. Rice was found in the site of the Hemudu site in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province. Ancient Greece’s business and more developed, it depends on the three sides of the sea, the coast