从西方文明史看 ,其体育理念达到并逐渐形成相对独立的思想体系 ,始自“文艺复兴”时期。顾拜旦的现代奥林匹克意识是近代以来西方文明形成和发展的重要成果 ,是现代西方体育理念的集中反映和逻辑升华。西方文明中的体育理念 ,肯定了体育是以人为核心的运动 ;它奉人道主义为最高原则 ,把维护和促进人的身心健康放在首位 ,主张在个性自由的基础上开展体育运动 ,塑造个体健康完美的人格 ,形成公共意识 ,促进整个社会的完善
Judging from the history of Western civilization, the concept of sports reached and gradually formed a relatively independent ideology, starting from the “Renaissance” period. Coubertin’s modern Olympic consciousness is an important achievement of the formation and development of western civilization in modern times. It is the concentrated reflection and logical distillation of modern western sports ideas. The concept of sports in Western civilization affirms that sports is a people-centered movement. It takes humanism as its supreme principle, putting the maintenance and promotion of people’s physical and mental health in the first place. It advocates the development of sports on the basis of individual freedom and the shaping of individuals Healthy and perfect personality, the formation of public awareness, and promote the improvement of the entire community