
来源 :中国书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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编者按:“疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。”南宋,这个军事上软弱、政治上昏聩的偏安朝不仅在经济、文化、哲学、艺术等领域创造了高度的文明,而且涌现出了岳飞、虞允文、辛弃疾、陆游,文天祥、陆秀夫等彪炳史册的杰出人物。尤其在靖康倾覆、高宗过江,崖山投海、南宋灭亡的易代之际,他们的文韬武略、精忠报国,他们弥漫于天地之间的浩然正气,成为支撑国家和民族的脊梁。“风檐展书读,古道照颜色。”本刊特推出南宋爱国名人书法特辑,展示他们的名迹,并约请专家撰文,以崭新的视角,把这一特殊历史时期的书法艺术介绍给读者。 Editor’s note: “The Southern Song Dynasty, a militarily weak and politically fatigued Saigon not only created a high degree of civilization in the economic, cultural, philosophical and artistic fields, but also emerged Out of Yue Fei, Yu Yun-wen, Xin Qiji, Lu You, Wen Tianxiang, Lu Xiufu and other distinguished history and outstanding figures. Especially in the fall of Jingkang, the high mountains and the rivers, the cliffs and the sea, the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty on behalf of the generation of the occasion, their military and military strategist, loyal to serve the country, they filled the world between the awe-inspiring, a backbone to support the country and nation. ”Wind Yanzhan to read the book, the ancient road according to color." The magazine launched special feature of the Southern Song Dynasty patriotic celebrity calligraphy, showing their famous, and invited expert author, with a new perspective, this special period of calligraphy art introduced to reader.