坐过山车的Frieze根据艺术市场专业分析网站Art Market Research的数据,在2006年至2008年9月的两年时间中,当代艺术品价格涨幅高达313%。而在金融危机爆发后迄今的一年中,当代艺术品价格缩水63%。每一个深陷市场或刚刚涉水的人都深刻地体会到坐过山车的滋味。2003年创办的伦敦Frieze艺术博览会可以说最生动地描绘了这些动荡时刻。作为老牌资本主义国家和新兴的世界金融中心,伦敦在上世纪九十年代末Saatchi炒作YBAs浪潮后吸引到了全世界当代艺术领域的关注,而尤其当2000年Tate Modern的矗立以及大批国际顶级画廊的进入使伦敦成为了与纽约并驾齐驱的世界当代艺术中心,Frieze的
According to Art Market Research, a roller coaster ride, art prices rose as much as 313% in two years between 2006 and September 2008. In the year to date after the financial crisis broke out, the price of contemporary art fell by 63%. Everyone caught up in the market or just wading people deeply appreciate the taste of riding a roller coaster. The 2003 Frieze Art Fair in London, arguably the most vivid portrayal of these upheaval moments. As a veteran capitalist country and emerging financial center in the world, Saatchi attracted the attention of contemporary art in the world after Saatchi hyped YBAs in the late 1990s. Especially when Tate Modern was established in 2000 and a large number of international top galleries Enter to make London the center of world contemporary art, Frieze, in keeping with New York