Aircraft manufacturing industry widespread use of aluminum alloy rebound structure, such materials are mostly quenched through the water and subsequent aging to obtain satisfactory performance.But the water quenching large residual stress, leading to deformation and cracking.Polyethylene glycol, also known as UconA , Is currently widely used abroad as an organic quenching agent, this quenching agent almost eliminates the cracking, reducing the deformation.According to Boeing Company reported that the company UconA quenching agent only a year to correct the cost savings of several hundred thousand dollars . Now sold in many countries in Europe and Asia .82 years my company based on new aircraft development and foreign orders, and Xi’an Petrochemical Co-developed a new type of organic quenching agent CL-1 polyether products after a comprehensive application process test Physical and chemical properties, mechanical properties, intergranular corrosion, deformation test and trial production) achieved satisfactory results, basically reached the level of the United States similar products - UconA, aviation and other industries for heat treatment has opened up a new avenue.