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花是《包法利夫人》情景描写中的重要组成部分,它所担负的作用并不仅仅限于福楼拜精妙场景描写的组成部分,不同的花语预示着情节发展的走向,是小说隐含的一条叙述暗线。同时暗示了爱玛的命运发展轨迹,具有深刻的象征意蕴,是爱玛的生命之花。 Flower is an important part of Lady Burley’s scene description. Its role is not limited to the composition of Flaubert’s subtle scene description. The different flower language indicates the trend of plot development and is implied by the novel A narrative dark line. At the same time, it implies that Emma’s fate development path has profound symbolic meaning and is the flower of Emma’s life.