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从本辑开始,本书新开设了“名家论坛”专题,转载国内外知名学者的文章,从名家观点中吸取学问和智慧。本辑转载了两篇文章。第一篇是台湾地区历史学家许倬云的一篇演讲稿,《从中国历史看世界未来》,摘自广西师范大学出版社2008年出版的《许倬云观世变》一书;第二篇是日本管理学者大前研一的《你够专业吗?》,摘自中信出版社2006年出版的《专业主义》一书。许倬云先生几十年治史如一日,终成大家。曾有记者向许倬云提问:“作为一位大陆出生、台湾求学又在美国历练并执教多年的学者,你怎么定位自己的身份?”许倬云回答时明确宣称:“我是一个学术界的世界公民,视个人良心与学术规范高于一切。”大前研一认为:专家要控制感情,并靠理性而行动。他们不仅具备较强的专业知识和技能以及伦理观念,而且无一例外地以顾客为第一位,具有永不厌倦的好奇心和进取心,严格遵守纪律。以上条件全部具备的人才,我才把它们称为专家。读者可以从下面两篇文章中体会知名学者的史学观与人才观。(文章小标题为本书编者所加)。 From the beginning of this series, the book opened a new “famous forum ” topic, reprinted articles of well-known scholars at home and abroad, learn from the famous point of view of knowledge and wisdom. This series reprinted two articles. The first is a lecture given by the Taiwanese historian Xu Yun, “Looking at the Future of the World from Chinese History”, from “Xu Miyun's Viewpoint of Changing the World” published by Guangxi Normal University Press in 2008. The second is Japan's management Researcher Ziyi Yan “Are you professional enough?”, From the book “Professionalism” published by CITIC Publishing House in 2006. Mr. Xu Yunyun decades of history as the day, eventually became everyone. There was a reporter asking Xu Xuyun: “As a scholar born in mainland China and Taiwan who has studied and taught in the United States for many years, how do you position yourself?” Xu Xuanyun replied unequivocally: “I am an academic Citizens in the world, depending on their personal conscience and academic standards, are above all else. ”According to Kenichi Ichigo, experts control emotions and act rationally. Not only do they possess strong professional knowledge and skills and ethics, but they are always the customers first, their curiosity and enterprising spirit of never being tired, and strictly observe the discipline. I have referred to them all as experts with all the above qualifications. Readers can learn from the following two articles well-known scholar's view of history and talent. (Article subtitle for the book editor added).
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