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为了促进横向经济联合,发展企业集团,加快经济发展的步伐,最近,湖北省人民政府发出了“关于发展企业集团,促进经济联合的通知”。通知指出,企业集团是企业经济联合组织的一个高级层次,是以公有制为基础,以适销对路的名优产品或国民经济中的重要产品为龙头,以一个或若干个大中型骨干企业为主体,由多个有内在经济技术联系的企业和科研设计单位组成的共同进行生产、科研、销售、服务和信息交流的具有法人资格和多层次组织结构的联营企业。组建企业集团的原则是自愿互利,积极引导;鼓励竞争,防止垄断;优化组合,结构合理;依靠科技,增强后劲。 In order to promote horizontal economic integration, develop enterprise groups, and accelerate the pace of economic development, the People’s Government of Hubei Province recently issued the “Circular on the Development of Enterprise Groups and Promotion of Economic Integration”. The notice pointed out that the enterprise group is a high-level level of the enterprise economic coalition. It is based on the public ownership system, and takes the famous products with marketableness or important products in the national economy as the leader, and takes one or several large and medium-sized backbone enterprises as the main body. It is a joint venture company with legal personality and multi-level organizational structure that consists of a number of companies and scientific research and design units with internal economic and technological links that jointly conduct production, scientific research, sales, service, and information exchange. The principle of the formation of enterprise groups is voluntary mutual benefit, active guidance; encourage competition, prevent monopoly; optimize the combination, the structure is reasonable; rely on science and technology, enhance the stamina.
寒假的一个早晨,爸爸、妈妈都不在家。我拿出冰箱里昨天剩下的粥,倒入锅中,打开煤气灶,火苗“嗞嗞”地向上窜,舔着锅底,蓝色的火苗在欢快地跳跃着。我调好火候,盖 One morni
今天妈妈生气了,因为我作业做得很马虎。妈妈生气的时候板着脸,撅着嘴,一会儿张牙舞爪,一会儿双手叉腰,一会儿又举着一只 Today, my mother was angry because I did a very
老师捧着一大摞作文本,郑重其事地问大家:“今天的作文有一位同学写得非常棒,她就是……”还没等老师把话讲完,同学们就异口同声 The teacher holding a large pile of text
我们要用自己的爱心去对待每一个人,无论他是来自地球还是外星,当整个宇宙的空间都充满了爱,我们就会有许多许多的朋友。 We should treat everyone with our own love. Whe