Effect of barley straw biochar application on greenhouse gas emissions from upland soil for Chinese

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Chinese cabbage was cultivated in upland soil with the addition of biochar in order to investigate the potential for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Barley straw biochar(BSB) was introduced in a Wagner pot(1/5000a) in amounts of 0(BSB0, control), 100(BSB100), 300(BSB300), and 500(BSB500) kg 10a~(-1). After the addition of BSB into the upland soil, carbon dioxide(CO_2) emission increased while methane(CH_4) and nitrous oxide(N_2O) emissions decreased. The highest CO2 flux was measured for the BSB500 sample,(84.6 g m~(-2)) followed by BSB300, BSB100, and BSB0 in decreasing order. Relative to those of control, the total CH_4 flux and N_2O flux for the BSB500 treatment were lower by 31.6% and 26.1%, respectively. The global warming potential(GWP) of the treatment without biochar was 281.4 g CO_2 m-2 and those for treatments with biochar were in the range from 194.1 to 224.9 g CO_2 m~(-2). Therefore, introducing BSB into upland soil to cultivate Chinese cabbages can reduce the global warming potential. Chinese cabbage was cultivated in upland soil with the addition of biochar in order to investigate the potential for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Barley Straw biochar (BSB) was introduced in a Wagner pot (1/5000 a) in amounts of 0 (BSB0, control ) 100 (BSB100), 300 (BSB300), and 500 (BSB500) kg 10a -1 After the addition of BSB into the upland soil, carbon dioxide (CO 2) emission increased while methane (CH 4) and nitrous oxide The highest CO2 flux was measured for the BSB500 sample, (84.6 gm -2) followed by BSB300, BSB100, and BSB0 in decreasing order. Relative to those of control, the total CH 4 flux and N 2 O The global warming potential (GWP) of the treatment without biochar was 281.4 g CO 2 m -2 and those for treatments with biochar were in the range from 194.1 to 224.9 g CO 2 m ~ (-2). Introduction, BSB into upland soil to cultivate Chinese cabbages can reduce the global warming potential.
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