在生物多样性的管理领域,近来出现不少努力,以通过网络数据库共享信息。这些数据库可以是全球范围运行,如全球生物多样性信息机构(GBIF)通过可查询的数据库端口将全球范围内的生物多样性资源相连接;也可以是针对更加具体议题的网络,如欧洲人类冻存癌组织银行(TuBa Frost)。本文就微生物资源分析了开展这些活动所需的制度性前提。本文得出两个结论。首先,微生物信息应被视为复合产品,它既具有公共产品也具有共有库资源的属性。其次,要解决此复合产品的动力问题,我们必须超越关于效率的静态观念(倾向于通过分配知识产权实现经济刺激),而采取动态框架(倾向于在社会取向变化的环境中、在整个创新链的知识获取的过程中推行协作规范)。新制度经济学其他领域对动态效率进行的研究,笔者采用其成功的方法,探讨了一种理论框架,以为微生物共同资源的管理确定一整套强有力的设计规则。
In the area of biodiversity management, there have been recent efforts to share information through web databases. These databases can be run on a global scale such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) linking globally available biodiversity resources through searchable database ports; networks that target more specific topics such as the European human freeze Cancer Bank (TuBa Frost). This article analyzes the institutional prerequisites for carrying out these activities on microbial resources. This article draws two conclusions. First, microbial information should be treated as a composite product that has both a public good and a common pool of resources. Second, to solve the dynamic issue of this composite product, we must go beyond the static concept of efficiency (which tends to achieve economic stimulus through the allocation of intellectual property) and adopt a dynamic framework (which tends to change the social orientation of the entire innovation chain Knowledge acquisition process of promoting the norms). New Institutional Economics and other areas of the dynamic efficiency of the study, the author uses its successful approach to explore a theoretical framework for the management of common microbial resources to determine a set of powerful design rules.