
来源 :中国药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xylzsh
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自各地医院药房及生产部門学習苏联先进經驗、开展药房常用处方以及药厂生产过程中半成品的快速检驗方法的研究与試驗以来,已积累了一些經驗。为了及时交流这些经驗,改进工作,本刊特自有关来稿中选出如下几篇發表,以后並將陆續刊載。此次發表的常用处方快速檢驗法介紹兩稿中,有一些制剂或处方过去虽曾在本刊發表过,但其檢驗方法不同。为便于各地对不同方法进行試驗此較起見,仍予保留。我們希望各地从事这一工作的讀者对本欄踊躍投稿,参加討論。我們並希望各地在进行快速檢驗法的試驗研究时,尽可能与当地兄弟單位及檢驗部門取得密切联系,以便及时交流經驗,集思广益,共同提高。把經过討論修正后所得到的总結性經驗写成稿件寄来,則發表后对大家的帮助將必更大。 Since the research and experiments on the advanced experience of the Soviet Union in pharmacies and production departments of hospitals all over the country, the prescriptions for common prescriptions in pharmacies and the rapid test methods of semi-finished products in the pharmaceutical production process, some experiences have been accumulated. In order to exchange these experiences in time and improve our work, we hereby select the following articles from the related drafts and publish them in the future. The published commonly used prescription rapid test method introduced two manuscripts, although some formulations or prescriptions in the past have published in this issue, but the test method is different. In order to facilitate the testing of different methods in various places, this is still preserved. We hope that all readers in this field will contribute their contributions to the discussion in this column. We also hope that all localities will, when carrying out the pilot study of the rapid test, make every effort to establish close contacts with their local brother units and inspection departments in order to exchange their experiences in a timely manner so as to pool their wisdom and make common progress. After the discussion and correction obtained by the summary of experience written into the manuscript, published after the help to everyone will be greater.
以色列设计师丹·雷辛格(Dan Reisinger)是享誉国际的设计大师,他大量的平面设计作品呈现出简洁、明快、大气而又绚丽的个人风格。其作品独特的造型语言和充满激情的色彩留给
营房内、靶场上荡漾着歌声,营门外、集合场传来了乐音,整个部队沉浸在歌声的海洋中。这是我们来到解放军某部时的一个鲜明的感觉。 Inside the barracks, there was a ripp