Design and experimental research on a visible-near infrared spatial modulating Fourier transform spe

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gloriayl2005
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A type of spatial modulating micro Fourier transform spectrometer(FTS) based on micro multi-step mirrors(MMSMs) is designed and manufactured in this paper.The interference system is based on Michelson interferometer,using two MMSMs instead of plane mirrors in two arms.The recovered spectrum is simulated with different distances between MMSMs and the detector,and the influence of diffraction on the recovered spectrum is analyzed.The edge-enlarging method for the MMSMs is proposed to eliminate edge noise,and the influence of surface roughness of MMSMs on the recovered spectrum is also analyzed.Moreover,the way of manufacturing the MMSMs is investigated. A type of spatial modulating micro Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) based on micro multi-step mirrors (MMSMs) is designed and manufactured in this paper. The interference system is based on Michelson interferometer, using two MMSMs instead of plane mirrors in two arms. The recovered spectrum is simulated with different measures between MMSMs and the detector, and the influence of diffraction on the recovered spectrum profile. The edge-enlarging method for the MMSMs is proposed to eliminate edge noise, and the influence of surface roughness of MMSMs on the recovered spectrum is also analyzed. More over, the way of manufacturing the MMSMs is investigated.
尊敬的巴金先生:  时光荏苒,光阴不再。虽然逝去的不可能再挽回。但脑海中挥之不去的是你那谆谆告诫!此刻,泡一杯浓茶,任热气缭绕在眼前,打开《读有所得》,静心品味您的《生之法则》。  您说每个人都是“乐生”的,这就如同在富贵与贫困之间进行选择。每个人都会毅然选择前者一样,但你更强调的是“不朽”。奈可拉莫夫的“舍生取义”,文天祥的“忠肝义胆”,朱自清的“饿死也不吃美国的救济粮”等都很好地诠释了这定义。
个人小档案  张宸瑗,出生于1999年11月9日,自2006年10月13日加入中国少年先锋队以来,一直担任中队长职务,在班内还任班长、语文课代表、文艺委员。勤奋、踏实、稳重、好学,对工作认真负责,办事让人放心,凡事不服输,有韧性的性格深受同学及老师的欢迎。兴趣广泛,读书、交友、唱歌、跳舞。    日记心语  日记记录了我的喜怒哀乐和生活中的一点一滴。它是我生活的再现,心灵的寄托,回忆的珍藏,人生旅
11月10日 晴  书是人类的精神食粮,我从认识字开始就这么认为。我是一位名副其实的小书虫,我的书柜里面的书厚达一米多,惊人吧!可就算这样,我还觉得不够,仍源源不数断地购买、借阅书,从历史故事到当今的科技,从郑渊洁的到杨红樱的,从作文到小说,五花八门。只要是好书,我都会看得津津有味,书已经成为我生活的一部分。  记得有一次,我感冒输液期间,感觉十分无聊,妈妈为我买了一本《中国儿童成长励志全书》。我