【摘 要】
This study is a multimodal discourse analysis of an initiative advertisement of the New Cayman released by the official website of Porsche,Follow the Code of Cu
This study is a multimodal discourse analysis of an initiative advertisement of the New Cayman released by the official website of Porsche,Follow the Code of Curve,based on the three-dimensional conception of discourse by Norman Fairclough.The research fi
<正> 除了健康外,收入多少大概是每个人最关心的事情。那么什么因素影响个人收入多寡呢?不外乎以下几个因素:从事的行业、受教育的程度、个人的能力和机遇等。一般来讲,只有
The sublime,which is designated by"aesthetics",arouses various studies and discussions on literature and ethical fields within philosophy.
In Tennessee Williams’masterpiece The Glass Menagerie,the most remarkable feature is considered to be the successful employment of symbolism.Through the textua
Language is the carrier of culture. In different languages and cultures, every word has denotations as well as plenty of cultural connotations. The cultural dif
高地价高房价让老百姓为自己的生存居所揪心,让仁人志士为国家和民族的经济社会发展忧心。日前,新华社连续发表了6篇聚焦房价的“新华时评”,矛头直指地方政府,痛批当前房地产市场的根源所在——土地财政以及腐败所酿生的高地价高房价。(《重庆晚报》4月5日) 地价占房价的比例,全国平均是31%。因此,从统计学的视角,将高地价视为高房价的原罪之一,是符合逻辑的。但从推理的角度来说,高地价仅仅是高房价的充分条件
Most studies of Robert Frost usually focus on his great arts in describing the rural and folksy things, and this thesis is to have a tentative reading of Robert