案例一领导者向左,追随者向右不是你不明白,而是这世界变化太快。 **世纪某知名体系的某团队领导人最近很是郁闷。差不多两个月整个团队的业绩一直大幅度下滑,每天都会接到全国各地的合作伙伴的抱怨, 他们“喋喋不休”的说:“*狮的公司业绩下降了 40%,*新的情况也不妙,整体都缩水了一半,我们公司还没进来,我们到底要撑到什么时候?”事实上,在这个直销寒冬的微妙关头,很多人在抱怨,但主流是在观望。更让这位领导人郁闷的是,当2005年9月3日,直销法出台的第二天, 当他抵达重庆江北机场,给当地的合作伙伴打电话时,令人纳闷的是,所有的手机都关机,无一例外。
Case one leader left, followers right is not you do not understand, but the world changes too fast. One of the team leaders of a well-known system of the century was very depressed lately. For almost two months the performance of the entire team has been slipping drastically, receiving complaints from partners throughout the country every day that they “chatter”: “* Lion’s performance is down 40%, * new conditions are not good , The whole has shrunk by half, our company has not come in, we in the end to support when? ”In fact, in this delicate moment of direct sales, many people complain, but the mainstream is watching. Even more depressed to this leader is that when September 3, 2005, the direct sale of the law the day after he arrived in Chongqing Jiangbei Airport, when calling local partners, it is plausible that all Mobile phones are shut down, without exception.