通过调整镁质中间包涂料的基质配比,以期提高中间包涂料的中温强度。结果表明:随着 SiO2微粉加入量的增多,涂料经中温处理后,抗折强度逐渐提高;当 SiO2微粉加入量在4%~8%时,常温抗折强度、常温耐压强度、线变化率、抗渣等性能变化不大;调整 Al2 O3微粉加入量,抗渣性能有所降低;随着 Al2 O3微粉加入量的增加,试样的高温抗折强度有明显提高。“,”The intermediate temperature strength of tundish coating was improved by ad-j usting the composition of matrix.The results showed that:bending strength of sam-ples was gradually improved after the intermediate temperature treatment;flexural strength has no obvious change after the high temperature treatment.When the amount of microsilica was 4 %-8 %,flexural strength,compressive strength,linear change rate and slag resistance tended to be stable;room temperature flexural compressive strength were not significantly improved and slag resistance was decreased by the use of alumina powder.When adding an excessive amount of alumina powder in the matrix,high tem-perature flexural strength of sample was improved significantly.