在南国的傍晚,这是一个细雨霏霏的季节。吉隆坡双峰塔附近,在一间以当地马来菜肴著名的餐厅,初次结识了这位早已蜚声国际的明星人物——叶倩文。没有成名明星惯有的浓妆艳抹,也没有大牌人物特有的矜持做作,眼前的叶倩文是以自信、健康和成熟女人的漂亮让人注目。作为IBF新总部启用典礼的特邀佳宾,当地人称为“sally Yeh”的叶倩文更像一位带着光环的时尚人物。当看惯赛场征战的各类猛男烈女之后,如果再以运动标准来衡量叶倩文就显得如此地特立独行。在初识的片刻,无人敢断言她能为国际羽坛做出什么贡献,她应该是演艺圈内的宠儿还是国际羽坛的天使呢?
In the southern evening, this is a drizzle season. Near Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Twin Towers, I met for the first time in a famous restaurant featuring local Malay dishes, the internationally renowned celebrity Yeh. There is no celebrity habit of makeup, there is no unique big-name characters reserved for the work, in front of Ye Qianwen is a confident, healthy and mature woman beautiful eye-catching. As a guest of honor for IBF’s new headquarters opening ceremony, Ye Qianwen, known locally as “sally Yeh,” is more like a fashion figure with a halo. When used to all kinds of fierce heroine after the battlefield match, if the sports standard to measure Ye Qianwen it seems so maverick. In the first moment, no one dares to assert that she can make any contribution to the international badminton, she should be the darling of the entertainment industry or international badminton angel it?