On August 18th, 2009 the Ministry of Envi-ronmental Protection of China (MEP) pro-mulgated for the first time the cleaner pro-duction standards for alumina, soda ash, caus-tic soda and polyvinyl chlor
【正】 On September 24th, China the United Kingdom (UK) and Switzerland jointly launched aproject with an investment of US$6.75 million to study the impact of c
【正】 China and Saudi Arabia signed a protocol of cooperation on oil,natural gas and minerals sectors on February 10th,2009 during the visit of China’ preside
【正】 Nanjing Chemical Industry Park is located in the Yangtze River Delta region with thebooming economy in China,it has a planned area of 45 km~2 and is 30 k
【正】 The Ministry of Environmental Protection has published "the guidelines for the environmentcontingency counterplan for petrochemical companies" to further